Monday, January 7, 2013

Lincoln Film Review

Grade: B+ 

Steven Spielberg drops you right into the battle to get the 13 Amendment passed in the house of representatives. The film never lets up in conveying the importance Lincoln placed on abolishing slavery. Are there historical inaccuracies? Sure, it's Hollywood people. Be there no doubt in your mind though, that this is one of the best directed, and best acted films of 2013. Enough can't be said about Daniel Day Lewis and the performance he has given as Honest Abe. The subtlety in which he delivers every monologue makes you lean into the screen so you don't miss one word uttered. Sally Field has never been better, and I hope the Academy honors her for this performance. So many small roles for actors in this film that really added to the films depth. The film was as I expected it to be, and more.